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Healthcare Management

These MCQs test your information on Healthcare Leadership, Information Management, Quality Improvement, and Patient Safety.

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1) In order for a quality improvement team to deal effectively with conflict, it is important to appoint which of the following to its membership?

2) The healthcare risk manager is usually responsible for claims administration. Which of the following is included in this process?

3) The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of performance improvement training is through:

4) The best reason to evaluate team meetings is to

5) Hospital A has recently merged with Hospital B. After 6 months it is noted that Hospital A has successfully transitioned their staff to new organizational values, while Hospital B still struggles. Hospital A's success can best be attributed to:

6) Which of the following are essential functions of an infection control program?

7) The concept of organizational liability is most important in the field of healthcare quality because it holds the organization responsible for

8) Which of the following is an essential component in a performance improvement report?

9) A chief quality officer has the responsibility for the education and implementation of a continuous quality improvement (CQI) process. To affect cultural change, administration must

10) A process indicator is defined as one that measures

11) The first step in conducting an epidemiological study is to

12) The most effective tool to improve communication between caregivers is known as

13) When choosing an outside consultant to lead employee focus groups, which of the following priority areas of expertise should a healthcare quality professional look for?

14) An organization that is committed to a culture of team-work, collaboration, and adaptability is referred to as having

15) Which of the following elements must be present in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a healthcare organization's quality improvement program?

16) The evolution of quality improvement in healthcare has shifted the primary focus from the performance of individuals to the performance of the:

17) The surgery department's monthly case review revealed 10 records meeting the criteria. Six records did not meet the criteria. In calculating the incidence rate, the denominator is

18) In the context of quality awards, what role does organizational leadership play in strategic alignment?

19) Which of the following is the first step in implementing lean management effectively in a hospital?

20) The chart below shows the rate of Cesarean Sections in a hospital. The healthcare quality professional should

21) When a healthcare organization is contracting with an outside provider for services, the subcontractor must

22) A healthcare quality professional is conducting a study to determine how many patients contracted influenza despite receiving flu shots. This study is evaluating

23) The quality improvement director is responsible for the coordination of accreditation survey activities. Responsibilities will most likely include

24) Which of the following is the best tool to begin an investigation into the causes of laboratory labeling errors?

25) Evidence of strong organization culture

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